


In the Midst of Death

睡眠時間個展 葉飛 × 林峰毅


國立臺北教育大學 南海藝廊 National Taipei University of Education Nanhai Gallery

開幕 Reception 11/30 2:00 pm

座談 Seminar 11/30 3:00 pm

座談與談人 王璽安 鍾順達










In the Midst of Death

Time leaves unidirectional and irreversible imprints on our minds and bodies; while life is indeed manifested through scenes and scenes of death and inevitably ends in death itself.

With the passing of time, it is unavoidable that we will feel our body gradually deteriorate and fade away. Whether we accept or face the issue or not, it is inescapable that the things that we possess, with pleasure or with reluctance alike, and the things that we treasure or neglect, would all be gone in succession, minute by minute.

Every being exists in the process of dying; even right at the moment of bliss, we have the sensation of death

If everything is destined to fade away, what can we do amidst the currents of death

Perhaps, we can make a record.

As everything would inevitably be gone eventually, we record our experiences in different ways, using painting, photographs and other means. Ultimately in time, all existences would become memories, and all memories would remind us of the bygone experiences we’ve gone through at certain time and space, and also prophesy our mourning at the loss of those moments thereafter.

These fragments of memories are hints to tell us that some things have departed, and that other things would be born. In the fading warmth of a newly dead, some other things just enter into their infancy. Birth foretells the inevitability of death, while death indicates the possibility of a new birth.

This exhibition is a probe into the imagery of death and existence. The beginning and the end of an exhibition itself may also be a manifestation of such imagery. The probe may not lead to an answer, but a particular phase of reflection may thereby unfold.







About the Creative Duo

is a creative group formed by Yehfaye and Lin Fengyi in 2012.

As independent artists, we create with different mediums pursing different paths: one of us fabricates works with images and words, while the other engages in various creative experiments on issues concerning painting. While we continue our separate creative pursuits, we hope that through co-operation we would be inspired with more fresh ideas and ways of creation. We also look forward to exploring our common areas of concern.

The works of this exhibition are presented with the concept of band music in mind. If the exhibition is compared to a complete album, then each piece of work is equivalent to a track on the album.
Painting / Installation: Lin Fengyi

Video: Yehfaye


No.3, Ln. 19, Sec. 2, Chongqing S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City
開放時間 / 14:00 - 21:30 週一、週二休館
Opening Hours / 14:00 - 21:30 Closed on Mon and Tue

