第一次展場實際位置模擬圖 |
Simulation Plan of the Real Location of the
First Exhibition Venue
第二次展場模擬圖 |
Simulation Plan of the Second Exhibition Venue
Sketches of the Exhibition Settings
Objects of Works:
500 painted objects with symbols and
Idea in Brief:
Install the 500 pieces of works at different
spots of Juming Museum ( may extend to the outdoor area of the
AtExhibition Venue:
500 set photos shot at the outdoors of the exhibition
venue, each capturing an object of the work on the wall at a particular spot to
illustrate the relation between the work and its environment. Each photo is 2x3
inches in size.
A map indicating the location of the objects
of the work (big map) is placed on the wall and it’s 200x150cm in size.
200 maps indicating the location of all objects
of the work (small map) are available for collection by viewers.
1. The space where the work is located, the
concept of domain and the location of the exhibition venue.
2. If the exhibited area of the work is so
immense, what’re the benefits of the work? If it is highly probable that the
work is ignored, what’re the benefits to have it exhibited?
3. If there’re viewers who really take an
interest in looking out for the objects of the work which are placed in the outdoors,
when they look for an exhibited object, is the viewing itself not the top priority any
more? They may enjoy the scenery, chat or have an afternoon tea while on their
search with the location map on hand.
海賊王哥爾羅傑說:我把寶藏放在ONE PIECE,你們去找吧!於是開啟大海賊時代,很多漫畫評論說:魯夫是不是找到寶藏已經不是最重要的事,最重要的是他們尋找寶藏的過程。
Origin of the Ideas:
I find several key words of the thesis
interesting - “Being absent but everywhere”, “Action script” and “Action
components”. Can a piece of work provide an open-ended script while being a
component which motivates the viewers’ actions?
The King of Pirates Gol. D. Roger says: “I put
the treasures inside ONE PIECE. Go and find them yourself!” The epoch of the
pirates is thereby unfolded. Many comic commentators say, “Whether Luffy can
find the treasures or not no longer matters
- the most important thing is the process of treasure-hunting.”
Hence, I imagine, when viewing the work,
whether the viewers actually see the work itself or not is no longer the point
of interest; rather, the process of hunting itself is most interesting.
Is the entire area of the Juming Museum
considered the exhibition space for the work if the works are installed all
over the museum?
Process 1(材料準備與製作小型繪畫物件)
1.1.1 壓克力板12㎝×8㎝×1002片(視實際材料情況做細微更動)
1.1.2 水彩紙150磅或300磅,撕成501張不規則狀(每張都是可夾入壓克力板之間的大小)
1.1.3 螺絲螺帽2000組,或強力小磁鐵4000個。
1.2 製作小型繪畫物件
1.2.1 選定朱銘美術館主展覽場之外五百處可以安置作品的空間(不論室內或室外)。
1.2.2 在美術館五百處做停留,以水彩、鉛筆、炭精筆等在500張不規則水彩紙上畫下該處風景或某種印象感觸(像是身為一個寫生畫家的作為)。
1.2.3 完成繪畫之後離開(以紅色膠帶在寫生處打叉做上標記,作品展出位置不可離開此處太遠),以雙面壓克力將物件紙片夾入其中,並以螺絲鎖上,完成500個有繪畫的作品物件。
1.2.4 將五百個作品物件安置在原來寫生位置的左近(牆面或是任何垂直於地面的物質,比如樹幹或垃圾桶),並拍下與區域之間關係的情境照片。
Process 2(展場展出物件製作)
2.1 將500張作品物件與區域的情境照片洗成2×3大小。
2.2 製作朱銘美術館園區大地圖,將500件作品物件區域位置做上標記。
2.3 影印朱銘美術館園區小地圖200份,供觀展者按圖索驥。
Process 3(展場佈置)
3.1 將大地圖與500張照片安至於展場牆面。
3.2 大地圖下方置做展示架,放置200份小地圖。
3.3 若有賸餘時間,等作品全部佈置完成,在展場內部作品前停留,完成展場寫生或某種意象,為第501件,安置在展場內,提示物件與區域關係。
Process 1 (Preparation of materials and the
making of small painted objects)
1.1 Preparation of materials
1.1.3 2000 sets of screws, or 4000 pieces of
small strong magnets
1.2 Making of small painted objects
Process 2: Displaying the production photos at
the exhibition venue
2.1 Print the set photos illustrating the
relation of the objects and its domain in 2x3 inches in size.
2.2 Make the big map for the entire complex of
the Juming Museum, and mark the location of the 500 objects of the work on it.
2.3 Make 200 small maps of the Juming Museum,
and let viewers use them as directory for finding the objects.
Process 3: Setting up at the exhibition venue
3.1 Install the big map and the 500 photos on
the wall of the exhibition venue.
3.2 Put the 200 small maps on the displaying
rack placed under the big map.
3.3 If time allows, after installing all the
objects of the work, linger in front of the works exhibited at the venue. Then
draw the scene or a certain impression, making it the 501st object of the work,
which is then installed at the venue to indicate the relation between the
object and the domain.